Evaluation of Churchplanters’ Consultation

(A copy of the program is to be added to this evaluation.  Hand in to the training coordinator before leaving the consultation or training program).

Name ______________________________  City __________________ Date ___________

Email if you have one __________________________


New Theological Understandings

What were the most important changes in your understanding of what the Bible teaches?






What topics caused you confusion, or seemed irrelevant? Try to explain why.





On the attached copy of the program, put your name then rank the topics taught in order 1,2,3 …. 1 is what you thought were most useful, then 2, 3… to least useful.


Practical Outcomes

What are the next actions you plan as a result of this consultation?






What do you expect to achieve within the next year as a result?





Life Changes

How has your personal understanding of yourself, your gifts, your roles changed in this consultation?




Balance of Spiritual, Intellectual and Practical Teaching

How do you rank the emphasis in the consultation?  Put a check in the boxes



Very Good


Not good

















What do you think was the best? What was missing?




Any Comments on the Physical Arrangements





Any Other Frustrations/ Blessings






Ongoing Training

What commitment have you made to train others? How will you go about this? __________________________________________________________________________





List the names of people you have already discerned God has given you to train and what level in the four seasons they are at.





 How many others will you pray for to train? When will you begin meeting with them?

